Author: puteridahlia

Bach. Of Mechanical Engineering

It’s 2 O Clock in the MORNING.

Why am I currently awake at this time? Easy. I was late for work yesterday and there was no way I could afford another day of being late. We are talking about not getting commission here lol.

Everyday I am surrounded by Apple products and I feel tempted to get one. As a Malaysian, we are entitled to one of those easy payment plan and with 0 percent interest, you’re gonna feel tempted too. ;p

I now go to work with a smile on my face because you have no idea how grateful I am to be working at this time. The current economy in Malaysia is really bad so graduated engineers like us are having a lot of trouble finding a decent job. Although my friends are already working, I am so happy they got decent jobs for themselves.

As for bae, I could not have been more proud of him. He makes me happy each and every single day of my life. It’s been such a wonderful and meaningful experience with him so far. Nothing can be compared to him. He’s just perfect in his own way. He knows how to make me laugh and cheer me up. I know that whenever I am in need of help, he’s always there for me. I never knew that you could meet someone who’s so compatible with you. I must admit, he’s not a male version of myself. That’s what I find so special about him. And I would never change anything about him, not even a single hair on his head.

Danielle Steel- A Perfect Stranger

Danielle is always every girl’s favorite author. I picked up her book once years ago and it failed me like one of my subjects in college hehe. As I was cleaning my room, I found one of her books on my book shelf. Currently I am on chapter 7 and Rafaella was described as a beautiful ravishing lady from Europe. She then meets a man called Alex Hale (who I am secretly crushing on). Books are the perfect way for a sweet escape. It keeps me company while I wait for the bus to arrive before heading to work. 

Birthday dinner

Went out with bae for a nice dinner for two at our favourite restaurant. Mind you my shift button is still not working and it is bothering the lot out of me.

Started off with ordering Fajita chicken sandwich with fries and garlic sauce followed by Oreo Milkshake. Next time I will not order these two at the same time because in the end it can make you feel sort of sick to the stomach and you will not have room for dessert 😉 —- I literally had to copy and paste to get that bracket sign for the smiley ;p

Apart from the delicious food, I am not a happier girl with a brain gear wall clock in my room.